




简介:希雅·凯特·伊索贝尔·富勒(英语:Sia Kate Isobelle Furler,1975年12月18日-),艺名希雅(Sia,英语发音:/?si??/),是一位澳大利亚慢速电子、流行兼爵士创作型女歌手。 Sia Kate Isobelle Furler,1975年12月18日出生于澳大利亚阿德莱德。父母都是音乐工作者。良好的家庭文化环境为她的音乐之路奠定了基础。同时,模仿其他的歌手在Sia的成长之路中也是很重要的一点。 在1989,Sia14岁,她去意大利求学并没有把这笔钱拿去矫正她著名的小龅牙,对此表示,自己并没有后悔保持她的龅牙。 Sia的才能是她在意大利求学的间隔年里,在一个酒吧驻唱的时候被发现的。正因为她独特的歌喉,Sia在酒吧和当地的一个DJ合作并有了录制一首歌的机会。 “在我十七岁的时候,我曾写过关于种族主义和恐同现象的作品;当时我收到一些信息,产生了改变世界的想法,于是我便回到了阿德莱德的大学,并学习了一年意大利语和政治学后便辍学了 。”
  • 01.
    —— SiaFootprints
  • 02.
    I put my armor on show you how strong I am. 我会全副武装让你看看我有多坚强。 I put my armor on I'll show you that I am. 我会严阵以待让你看看我。 I'm unstoppable .我势不可挡
    —— SiaUnstoppable
  • 03.
    I was born in a thunderstorm 生于雷雨交加中 I grew up overnight 一夜想在家间我心和完美蜕小大 I played alone I'm playing on my own 我孑军还起都第一第外妈子学声 孤独前我对样 I survived 得们这你我依军还起都第顽强的生存把主妈,Hey I wanted everything I never had 我不断的追求我不曾具备的 Like the love that comes with life,主妈于像爱情发一时物军还起降临一般
    —— Sia《alive》
  • 04.
    I had wanted to go to a place where all the demons go.Where the wind don't change,And nothing in the ground can ever grow.No hope, just lies.
    —— Sia《alive》
  • 05.
    I don't care if I sing off key,I find myself in mu melodies.I sing for love I sing for me,I shout it loud like a bird set free. (我不在意我是否走音,我在自己的旋律中发现自己。我为爱而歌,我为爱而唱。我像重获自由的鸟儿般呐喊。)
    —— Sia《Bird set free》
  • 06.
    I'm in here, can anybody see me? Can anybody help? I'm in here, a prisoner of history, Can anybody help? Can't you hear my call? Are you coming to get me now? I've been waiting for, You to come rescue me, I need you to hold, All of the sadness I can not, Living inside of me. I'm in here, I'm trying to
    —— Sia《I'm In Here》
  • 07.
    Party girls don't get hurt 派对女孩,向来金刚不坏 Can't feel anything, when will I learn 麻木无感的我,究竟何时才会学乖 I push it down, push it down 我一再压抑自己,不去介怀 I'm the one "for a good time call" 放荡如我,只迷恋声讯传情 Phone's blowin' up, they're ringin' my doorbell 电话快要打爆,登徒浪子狂按门铃 I feel the love feel the love 我却感受到爱意,深深爱意
    —— Sia《Chandelier》
  • 08.
    Big girls cry when their hearts are breaking.坚强的女孩哭了她们很受伤。 Wash away all the things you've taken.让泪水带走我所承受的。
    —— Sia《Big Girls Cry》
  • 09.
    Letdowns will get you, and the critics will test you, 我界败有你自成种如孩物你 批评有你自考验你, But the strong will survive; another scar may bless you, ah, 十声了物么每终究强者国当事十声了生存 一切伤疤有你自保佑你迈她风巅峰.
    —— Sia《the greatest》
  • 10.
    Can't you hear my call? 你能听到我的呼唤吗? Are you coming to get me now? 你现在能来找我吗? I've been waiting for, 我一直在等待 You to come rescue me, 你来拯救我 I need you to hold, 我需要你带走 All of the sadness I can not, 我所有的悲伤,我无法自救 Living inside of me. 封闭在我内心深处
    —— Sia《I'm In Here》
  • 11.
    I may cry ruining my make up 我会哭,哪怕毁了妆容 Wash away all the things you've taken 让泪水带走我所承受的 And I don't care if I don't look pretty 我不在乎是否我会不那么漂亮 Big girls cry when their hearts are breaking 坚强的女孩们哭了她们的心很受伤
    —— Sia《Big Girls Cry》
  • 12.
    我要姿态摇摆 如同那吊灯般任性 我要放浪形骸 如同明天不复存在 我要飞过天际 做穿越黑夜的百灵
    —— Sia《chandelier》
  • 13.
    I'm in here can anybody see me 我这把到面,有谁看见我了吗?? Can anybody help 有人能帮忙吗?
    —— Sia《I AM IN HERE》
  • 14.
    But even Superwoman sometimes needs the Superman's soul.
    —— Sia《Helium》

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